
Tuesday 30
Wednesday 31
Thursday 1
Friday 2
Saturday 3
08:30 – 10:00Registration08:30 – 09:00RegistrationRegistrationRegistrationSession 13
10:00 – 10:30Congress Opening09:00 – 11:30Session 4Session 7Session 10
10:30 – 11:30Keynotes11:30 – 12:00Coffee breakCoffee breakCoffee breakCoffee break
11:30 – 12:00Coffee break12:00 – 14:00Session 5Session 8Session 11Session 14
12:00 – 14:00Session 114:00 – 15:00LUNCHLUNCHLUNCHLUNCH
14:00 – 15:00LUNCH
15:00 – 17:30Session 215:00 – 17:30Session 6Session 9Session 12Session 15
17:30 – 18:00Coffee break17:30 – 18:00Coffee breakCoffee breakCoffee breakCLOSING CEREMONY
18:00 – 20:30Session 318:00 – 19:00KeynotesKeynotesKeynotesCity tour
MoMuS/Museum of Modern Arts (Auditorium)
Early Career Researchers meeting/
Semiotic Journals Editors
19:30 – 21:30 GALA DINNER
War Museum Gardens
  1. All Congress events – except for the IASS/AIS General Assembly and the Gala Dinner – take place at the University of Macedonia (Egnatias 156, 54 636 Thessaloniki)
  2. Onsite Registration payments (for both participants and attendees) start on Monday 29 August (09:00 – 14:00) and will continue throughout the Congress days (Tuesday 30 August: 08:30 – 10:00, Wed/Thurs/Fri 31 Aug/1 & 2 Sept.: 08:30 – 09:00) at the Reception Desk (Univ. of Macedonia Foyer, ground floor) (cash only).
  3. Participants/Attendees who have already paid their registration fees can pick up their Congress pack starting from Monday 29 August (09:00 – 14:00) and throughout the Congress days (Tue/Wed/Thurs/Fri 30 & 31 Aug/1 & 2 Sept.: 08:30 – 14:00) at the Reception Desk (Univ. of Macedonia Foyer, ground floor)
  4. Those interested to attend the Gala Dinner (Friday 2 Sept., 19:30 – 21:30) must register at the Reception Desk until Wednesday 31 Aug./15:00, paying € 20 (cash only).
  5. Those interested to attend the City Tour (Saturday3 Sept., 18:00) must register at the Reception Desk until Friday 2 Sept./15:00, paying € 10 (cash only).



Jury Lotman 100

Im Jahr 2022 jährt sich der 100. Geburtstag von Jury Lotman, dem renommierten russisch-estonischen Semiotiker ( Anlässlich dieses Jubiläums und in Zusammenarbeit mit der Universität Tartu, der Estonian Semiotics Association und dem Juri Lotman Repository widmet der 15. Weltkongress für Semiotik der Forschungsarbeit Lotmans einen speziellen Abschnitt des wissenschaftlichen Programms (speziell thematische Panels, Runde Tische und Plenarvorträge). Seitens der Gastgeber wird dem Jubiläum mit einer Reihe von Sonderveranstaltungen (Master-Klassen, eine virtuelle Buchausstellung mit Übersetzungen von Lotmans Werken, Vorführung von Lotmans Videovorträgen) Rechnung getragen. Details zu den Jubiläumsaktivitäten werden zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt bekannt gegeben.

3rd Semiotics Journals Fair

The Third Journals Fair of the IASS will consist of an initial gathering in Thessaloniki featuring an explanation, by each editor of a semiotics journal present, in NO MORE THAN TWO English sentences, of each journal’s specific mission. Then editors will disperse to tables allotted to their journals where they can meet potential contributors from the audience and distribute relevant information, publicity etc. associated with their journals. Early career researchers, especially, are invited to seize this opportunity to speak with semiotics journals editors about their projects and potential publications. Among the editors present will be those for SemioticaSocial SemioticsPunctumDigital Age in Semiotics and Communication, and others.

Early Career Researchers Meeting

Further to the IASS-sponsored First World Meeting of Early Career Researchers in Semiotic Studies, held in Medellin, Columbia, the IASS will now launch an Early Career Researcher Network. Led by Jorge Eduardo Urueña López (Latin America), Pengjia (Asia), Alin Olteanu (Europe) and Damien Tomaselli (Africa), the launch event in Thessaloniki will seek to bring together ECRs in semiotics across the globe in order to find ways to collaborate, to promote semiotics and to thrive. All IASS members are welcome, but the Network will look to attract the participation of members who have gained a PhD within the last 8, as well as PhD, Masters and undergraduate students”.

Ausstellung semiotischer Zeitschriften

Semiotische Zeitschriften, als Print- und/oder Digitalausgaben, sind auf der ganzen Welt im Aufschwung und bezeugen die internationale Dynamik, die die Semiotik in den letzten Jahren entwickelt hat. Seit der ersten Ausstellung für Semiotik-Zeitschriften in Kaunas/Litauen (2016) sind diese Ausstellungen ein wichtiges Kennzeichen der Weltkongresse für Semiotik, um die große Vielfalt und geografische Verbreitung zu dokumentieren.

Verleger semiotischer Zeitschriften, die Interesse daran haben, an der Ausstellung teilzunehmen, können Belegexemplare ihrer Veröffentlichungen an folgende Adresse senden: 

Evangelos Kourdis
Laboratory of Semiotics
Faculty of Philosophy (New Building)
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
GR-54124 Thessaloniki

Ansprechpartner: George Damaskinidis ( )

New Book Launches

On Wednesday 31 August, 19:30 – 20:30, in Room 5 (1st floor),the following three new books on translation will be presented:

  • Translation, Semiotics, and Feminism: Selected Writings of Barbara Godard, edited by Eva C. Karpinski and Elena Basile. London: Routledge, 2022.
  • Exploring the Translatability of Emotions: Cross-Cultural and Transdisciplinary Encounters, edited by Susan Petrilli and Meng Ji. London, Palgrave-Macmillan, 2022.
  • Intersemiotic Approaches to Emotions. Translating across Signs, Bodies and Values, edited by Susan Petrilli and Meng Ji. London, Routledge, 2022.

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